Frit reads that “it is the Clinton-era changes to the Community Reinvestment Act that forced banks to lend more for “affordable housing”. Law firms, including ones connected to Obama, sued banks that failed to meet their low-income quotas for mortgages”.
Tuesday, 30 September 2008
Monday, 29 September 2008
The age of irresponsibility
Wikipedia defines the post of Chancellor of the Exchequer as “the title held by the British Cabinet minister who is responsible for all economic and financial matters”!!!!
When asked to clarify when "the age of irresponsibility'' began, a Government official travelling with Mr Brown refused to specify beyond admitting it was "in recent years''!!!!
Thursday, 25 September 2008
Financial crisis
The Bush-Cheney response to the financial crisis adds up to stealing money from the 30% of the population that have made sensible decisions with their finances and giving it to the 70% who have made lousy decisions with theirs and gotten themselves into debt. This is a disgraceful response. Undiluted socialism. Very un-American.
The same response on the part of the British government is very British.
Wednesday, 24 September 2008
Sudden funny turn for Biden?
Looking at the Democratic Party’s website, one comes across astonishingly illiterate passages in “crtical” places, like: “We are in a crticial moment that will reverberate for generations to come. We see us through these times, Democrats will work to end the war in Iraq and refocus our nation's efforts on those who attacked us on September 11.”
and: “When Democrats ask for your vote, we can win anywhere.”
and: “We released a new, 65-page report on John McCain's 26 years in Washington, cozy relationships with his lobbyist campaign advisors and fundraisers and the backroom deals he's been involved with have harmed Americans and cost America jobs.”
We can’t send them all back to school because that’s where they all hang out anyway . . .
Tuesday, 23 September 2008
But the strange thing is that, after all the hullaballoo about this issue, there was an even bigger hullaballoo after Professor Reiss was sacked, a hullabaloo made by wordy and seriously strange people seeking to defend his support for teaching “creationism” in schools, with headlines like “The Royal Society is sadly unenlightened on creationism”! (Telegraph!) And then it turns out that Professor Reiss does not support any such thing and never said any such thing and the entire issue was nothing but a load of misrepresentation and a pack of lies put about by the newspapers in the first place. Disgraceful!
But then, just when one thinks one has gotten to the bottom of the matter, one reads “Professor Reiss, who is an ordained Church of England Minister . . .” Help!
Thursday, 18 September 2008
Woman on top
Wednesday, 17 September 2008
Tuesday, 16 September 2008
Working to make a financial difference
Whenever people issue such “not interested in the money” type statements to the gullible and the young, proper journalists should straight away enquire exactly how much money they actually make themselves before rushing to bring us their wonderful words. Frit now publically challenges Christiane Aman-by-no-means-poor (real name Mrs Rubin) to disclose her income and allow us to examine all her bank statements. She comes from a well-off Iranian family that fled Iran when the religious crackpots seized power, for a start, and Frit, for one, is less than believing when told all the money “is tied up”.
Oh ever so nice rich woman, with such weird hair, you are the very archetypal serial slanter of media fact and truth for self advancement and cash. Your husband, millionaire James Rubin, is a former assistant to hectomillionaire Bill Clinton and a current advisor to hectomillionairess Hilary Clinton for goodness sake. You yourself quite openly claim to be “working to make a difference” instead of “working to be impartial and objective”. Oh, Mrs. Rubin, how do we permit such untruth-tellers as you to get away with such deception in such blatant fashion? SHOW US YOUR BANK STATEMENTS!
Monday, 15 September 2008
Jury unable to decide if it has less gumption than backbone or vice versa
The well-paid judge allowed the jurors a two-week holiday after they had retired to consider their verdicts. They were also given time off for one juror to attend a training course and they had several days off for illness. Between July 28, when the jury retired, and September 8, when it returned its verdicts, it deliberated for just over 56 hours. Frit thinks the members of this jury should now be prosecuted for wasting public money and the judge, the police, the prosecution and defence should all be prosecuted for stealing it.
Thursday, 11 September 2008
Bravely brushing aside the rules
Unelected British Prime Minister and would-be multimillionaire Boredom Brown has broken with political convention by offering effusive praise for Multimillionaire President B.A. Barackabama at a time when foreign leaders are meant to maintain careful neutrality ahead of the US election. Some might believe Boredom Brown did this because he is a cunning and slippery heavyweight political assassin, but Frit believes he did it because he is an incompetent moron loser.
Wednesday, 10 September 2008
Near alien being stages coup
Monday, 8 September 2008
Saving the planet with veg and two veg
Apparently “Dr Pachauri has just been re-appointed for a second six-year term as chairman of the Nobel Prize-winning IPCC, the body that collates and evaluates climate data for the world's governments”. How glad we are to here it. We shall wish the man six more years of good earning as we fry tonight’s steak.
Friday, 5 September 2008
Bloody debate
Frit notes that the “debate” going on in Germany right now, about withdrawing German armed forces from Afghastlystan (inspired, of course, by the considerate peace loving greens, social democrats and communists), is not going unnoticed by the terrorists in Afghastlystan. Naturally, their contribution to helping the debate along is to increase their attacks on German forces and kill as many as they can. The blood of these men and women in the German armed forces is therefore, of course, on the hands of the considerate peace loving greens, social democrats and communists.
Wednesday, 3 September 2008
Tuesday, 2 September 2008
AIDS from aides?
Monday, 1 September 2008
Croning ceremonies
NB: Frit reads that crones can now be properly and officially croned at a croning ceremony. A woman who describes herself as “an eco-crone, ritualist, hypnotherapist, frame drummer and emerging gourd artist” is “available as a consultant and convener to plan and/or conduct customized croning ceremonies for individuals, groups, circles, and gatherings”. She can be contacted at by any aspiring crone who would like to find out her “fee schedule”. However much it is, Frit feels sure Madonna has made enough from public vulgarity to afford it.