Curious to see that Erdogan, the supremacist who rules Turkey, a man as cheap and greasy as his own national dish that looks like dog meat on a spit, and probably is, is demanding an apology from Israel over the terrorist flotilla episode. This is the leader of a country with one of the bloodiest histories and one of the worst human rights records of all time. Even today, Kurds in Turkey are still forbidden to give their children Kurdish names, Frit reads.
Wednesday, 30 June 2010
Human doner kebab speaks out for HAMAS
Tuesday, 29 June 2010
Friday, 25 June 2010
Gaza Ahoy! (again)
This week, Frit is busy delivering aid to Gaza. He has chartered this vessel stacked up with assorted guns, ammo, explosives and rockets packed in cases labelled “Medical supplies”. The rest of the words on the labels, i.e. “will be urgently needed once Hamas gets its hands on all this stuff” have been crossed out. The vessel is crewed by three dozen Hezbollah storm troopers one of whom claims he knows the words to Kumbaya. Amazingly, this project has the full backing of every single government of every single country in the world! The Multimillionaire White Mohammedan Nobel Laureate Joker President is so impressed he even invited Frit to the White House for dinner. Frit courteously declined because, when he eats goat, he prefers not to sit on the floor and eat it with his hands.
Unluckily, Frit’s people ran out of room to write “Aid Ship” on the stern and, due to time pressure, arrived at a less than optimum abbreviation.
Thursday, 24 June 2010
More offence
Further to yesterday’s post, Frit has reported this tree to the authorities in Tehran, requesting it be properly cleaned up before it corrupts us all and causes earthquakes.
Wednesday, 23 June 2010
Offensive suckling
Frit notes that the Afghastlystanis are offended at having been called “backward” by a British minister. He also notes that the US authorities condemned the recent “Everybody draw Mohammed Day” as offensive. Meanwhile, the Saudi Arabian authorities have absolutely failed to respond to Frit’s letter demanding they, in turn, condemn things that are truly offensive to him and to all other enlightened human beings living in the 21st century, such as the debate currently going on in that country as to the pros and cons of having working women breastfeed their male colleagues as a way of making it acceptable for them to work together in the same building!!
The Mussulmanniquins pictured here in a shop window in Tehran, however, will thankfully never be asked to accommodate their male counterparts in that way as the religious police have sawn off their offensive breasts. ISLAM = Infantile Shiites Loath Ample Mammeries.
Tuesday, 22 June 2010
In black and white
Further to yesterday’s post, Frit has now obtained this rare photograph of the mountain in question taken pre-Mandela.
Monday, 21 June 2010
The victimisation World Cup
Frit has just returned from South Africa where he spent a few days looking for white folk. This is because the intense media coverage of that country during the current World Cup was giving him the impression there are no longer any whites left there. Frit is aware that whites are being culled in large numbers in the Rainbow Nation right now without the media giving it a mention, so he wondered if they had already been wiped out in totality. Happily, Frit is able to report that this is not the case, there are indeed some whites still hanging around in the bush down there, patiently waiting their turn to be hacked to pieces in their beds. But as their faces fail to fit the desired narrative, media cameras are simply leaving them out. Mystery solved.
Whilst there, Frit took this photograph of one of the biggest but least reported pieces of environmental vandalism of all time. It seems the first thing Nelson Mandela did upon assuming office was to order the pointy part of this mountain sawn off and thrown into the ocean for no other reason than it attracted snow and, as we all know, snow is the same colour as the Boer.
Friday, 18 June 2010
On going down
“Israel is our first line of defence in a turbulent region that is constantly at risk of descending into chaos; a region vital to our energy security owing to our overdependence on Middle Eastern oil; a region that forms the front line in the fight against extremism. If Israel goes down, we all go down.
To defend Israel’s right to exist in peace, within secure borders, requires a degree of moral and strategic clarity that too often seems to have disappeared in Europe. The United States shows worrying signs of heading in the same direction.
The West is going through a period of confusion over the shape of the world’s future. To a great extent, this confusion is caused by a kind of masochistic self-doubt over our own identity; by the rule of political correctness; by a multiculturalism that forces us to our knees before others; and by a secularism which, irony of ironies, blinds us even when we are confronted by jihadis promoting the most fanatical incarnation of their faith. To abandon Israel to its fate, at this moment of all moments, would merely serve to illustrate how far we have sunk and how inexorable our decline now appears.”
Monday, 7 June 2010
Catholic church gets it right, then conveniently wrong again
In a document presented by Pope Benedict, the Christian Bishops state that, in recent decades, the percentage of Christians in the Middle East has fallen from 20 percent of the population to less than 5 percent, and the number is dropping. Despite the fact that the bishops believe this is “principally because Muslims make no distinction between religion and politics, thereby relegating Christians to the precarious position of being considered noncitizens, despite the fact that they were citizens of their countries long before the rise of Islam”, they somehow still manage to conclude the whole thing is due to the “unrest” in that region caused by the Israelis, the very same people who cause everything bad everywhere, including Frit having fallen down at the weekend and injured his knee.
Frit took this photograph of the Pope sucking up to some Mussulmanic bigwigs on a recent visit to Mecca.
Wednesday, 2 June 2010
Tuesday, 1 June 2010
Israeli Defense Force lets us down
The Israeli military, normally quite efficient, had hundreds of anti-Semitic Mussulmanic terrorist supporters, warmongers, international communist dross, aging agents provocateurs and assorted vile victimization vermin at its mercy on ships yesterday morning but could only manage to bag a mere handful. Let us all hope for better results next time.