Hectomillionairess Hillary Clinton, the most dishonest and insincere person alive on this planet today, bites the well-deserved dust and will never now succeed in her ambition to become the first female ruler of the universe. But wait, apparently she “will be making no decisions” about this just yet. MAKING NO DECISIONS?! True to form, a barefaced teller of untruths to the very end!
Frit is a happy man, of course. But, as pointed out in an earlier post, by far the happiest man in the world today is her hectomillionaire husband, the only man in Christendom whose detestation of Hillary exceeds Frit’s.
Yes, the Democratic Party has at long last opted for B.A. Barackabama, a leader who, although he might look a lot like a mussulman to the untrained eye, is definitely not a mussulman. The fact that he lived in a mussulman country, attended a mussulman school, is named Hussein just like Saddam and has a family just riddled with mussulmen does not make him a mussulman. And he in fact keeps on going a long way out of his way to tell everyone he “is not, and never has been”, a mussulman – why? Does he dislike mussulmen? Is he prejudiced against them? Why is he so desperate to convince everybody he is not one? The only conclusion Frit can draw from this panicky insistence is that, were he in actual fact ever to turn out to be a mussulman, which he emphatically never will, he would believe himself, and, by implication, believe all mussulmen, basically unfit for office as president. Now is that fair and proper for the leader of a democratic party? He should be encouraging integration and social inclusion, not excluding people on grounds of religion.