Happy New Year to all who suffer under the yoke of media indoctrination and global totalitarian environmentalism.
Wednesday, 31 December 2008
Monday, 29 December 2008
The prince and the pooch
It seems rational that a country like Britain, the government of which is in a stew over Israelis lashing out at Palestinians for behaving like dogs, should get itself into a stew over one of its own princes lashing out at dogs behaving like Palestinians.
Monday, 22 December 2008
Season’s Greetings
Frit will be withdrawing from public life for Christmas now. May he thank all his readers for providing themselves opportunity to learn something from this site throughout the year. Gratitude is best expressed in cash donations to the “Mrs. Frit Christmas Diamond Earrings Appeal”. And may Frit wish Good Tidings and a very Merry Christmas to all who would wish him to wish them a Happy Holiday instead!
Friday, 19 December 2008
Wednesday, 17 December 2008
Shoe thrower hits own personal targets
Are we all as far less than amazed as Frit that the individual in Iraq who threw his shoes at George Bush for the purpose of obtaining publicity, fine words, career impetus and cash, and who missed, is now being showered with publicity, fine words, career impetus and cash? Pity the security men broke his arm, but, of course, that will only add to the kudos and profits.
Tuesday, 16 December 2008
Brown resurgence
In the past, Frit has on several occasions implied that recently self-admitted saviour of the world and would-be multimillionaire unelected British Prime Minister Boredom Brown is in every way and in every deed and in every strange tremor of the jaw at the end of the sentence and sometimes in the middle of the sentence (several times) less than impressive in his effectiveness and is a mere shadow of his predecessor multimillionaire Blair when it comes to abusing the gullible and the young with true psaz. Frit begs forgiveness for this because Brown’s record of late is a genuine surprise. In recent weeks he now appears to have gone a very long way towards turning around his extremely negative and rather brown public image with some really neat vote-buying handouts of truly mind-numbingly sate-devastating and population-pauperising proportions. Respect! He might now one day be actually voted into office after all. The office might not have any heating, furniture or lights by then, the first paper signed might be the one that authorises the return of ration books, but what the hell. What counts is that people love you.
Monday, 15 December 2008
Furriness misbehaving
Frit notes the shock and horror that resulted in Britain recently when policemen used a stun gun on a ram that had strayed onto a dual carriageway. They tell that a thirteen year old girl happened to witness the event with her bare eyes and was “very upset”. The Royal Society for the Protection of Animals said “officers should have used more humane ways to corner and restrain the sheep”, but neglected to offer to pay for the extra police time this approach would have occasioned. Frit’s contribution to this debate is to feature this photograph of the pelican that shocked the brain-softened furry British nation some time ago by being a pelican and gobbling up a pigeon in full view of minors.
Thursday, 11 December 2008
Righteous rioting
Those who rule us are intent on telling us that the riots (destroying other people’s property and lives) in Greece have nothing to do with hot-headed young leftists and straightforward opportunistic apolitical vandals and delinquents, both groups spurred on by the Greek wing of those who rule us who should know better but want a right wing government out of office any way they can. Such democrats! No, the riots are in some way understandable and even maybe honourable, because they only began when a young person was shot by a policeman whilst, err . . . rioting.
Wednesday, 10 December 2008
Polluted Irish pork
The bogtrotter’s pig is rotten inside. Soppy waterborne folklore has seeped into its innards from the damp beneath. Spit it out! And demand compensation! The bogtrotter has traditionally gotten away with far too much leprechaun-based socio-cultural baloney. All he has to do is provide his pig with a sty on stilts.
Monday, 8 December 2008
Unsung heroine
Frit thanks NewsBusters for noting that the name of Vanessa Niekamp, an administrator for the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services' Office of Child Support and a 15-year state employee, who blew the lid off the underhanded computer snooping into the private life of Joe the Plummer, is virtually unknown, while many other past government whistleblowers have been treated as media heroes and elevated into very righteous realms. Ms Niekamp was threatened with dismissal if she failed to comply with “instructions” etc..
In fact, googling google news for “Vanessa Niekamp” today yields a mere 18 hits, none of them relating to mainstream media sites. This has to be regarded as simply astonishing. A virtual conspiracy. The name of the great multimillionaire white African King must be kept pure and free from any association with anything not of the new and pristine airy dimension that mankind has now at last attained. Frit would have liked to include a photograph of Ms Niekamp, but, of course, there are none around.
Thursday, 4 December 2008
Mistaking the sword for the hand that wields it
Cluster bombs are disappearing from the world today. The Convention on Cluster Munitions is being signed by more than one hundred countries, “effectively outlawing” them. So we are all safe. The next time the people in those more than one hundred countries are attacked by anyone they shall be very glad their leaders will not be dropping effective state-of-the-art cluster bombs on their attackers. Maybe just bombs with fur on that squeak menacingly instead of going bang. The only important thing is that when their attackers overrun them they’ll never manage to dislodge their corpses from the higher moral ground. That’s a sort of victory after all!
Wednesday, 3 December 2008
Doping in terrorism, should it be allowed?
Frit reads that the terrorists who committed the recent atrocity in Bombay took steroids for months before carrying it out and used cocaine, LSD and other drugs whilst carrying it out. In the opinion of Frit, this is grossly unfair to other terrorists who honestly attempt to slaughter people without any chemical backup to help them be brave. It is a form of cheating and should be banned. Who do they think they are, Lance Armstrong?
Tuesday, 2 December 2008
Coming in second again
Pity those who rule over us on this day. They would so dearly like to trumpet the multimillionaire white African King’s appointment of hectomillionaire Hillary Clinton, and have it be the first appointment of a female Secretary of State in the whole of world history. They can’t of course, because the office is already held by a woman, a REAL woman, and a black one to boot. Yes, pity those who rule over us on this day.