Friday, 3 September 2010

Allah likes bad breath

In the month of Ramadan, over at “Islam Question and Answer”, the Mussulmancis are avoiding questions like “Does slaughtering your fellow human beings during Ramadan invalidate the fast?”, and concentrating, instead, on matters such as the “Ruling on eye drops for one who is fasting”, “Does looking at women invalidate the fast?” and the closely related “Does masturbation at night during Ramadan invalidate the fast?”. Then there is the question of dealing with bad breath during Ramadan, to which the considered answer is:

Instead of using an aerosol when fasting, it is enough to use the siwaak (a stick) which the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) encouraged us to use. If he uses an aerosol and nothing from it reaches his throat, then that is o.k. But it should be noted that the smell that comes from the fasting person’s mouth as a result of the fast is not something to be disliked, because it is the effect of obedience to Allah. In the hadeeth it says that the smell from the fasting person’s mouth is better in the sight of Allah than the fragrance of musk.”

The pie, pictured, is what the average Mussulmanic consumes between dusk and dawn every night during Ramadan. It contains no pork.