People all over the world are calling Frit to ask if the West should intervene in Libya. Frit looks at this question in two ways:
a) Do you mean intervene in the sense that the West moves in like a ton of bricks, locks the country down, puts the safety of its own troops first and thus deals with any resistance with total ruthlessness and installs a favorable government by same method and backs it up by same method? Then the answer is YES.
b) Do you mean intervene in the sense that the West moves in as it has elsewhere intent on saving and kissing the ass of the locals, doing everything to make them love us and handing them freebies whilst they lie to us and deceive us and shoot our young service men and women dead one by one? Then the answer is NO.
Frit would remind everyone that the inhabitants of Libya (see picture) “were red haired, and had upon their flanks tails not much smaller than those of horses. As soon as they caught sight of their visitors, they ran down to the ship without uttering a cry and assaulted the women.” Not the sort of people you mess with.