Worcester, a shit hole in the UK, has quite rightly voted to twin with Gaza, a comparable shit hole in the Middle East. Hamas folks have already started digging a smuggling tunnel to link the two and will be firing rockets at Israel from the cathedral gardens once it is complete. They are also working on plans to make explosives out of Worcester Sauce.
Picture shows a recent “impressive” anti-sanity demonstration in Worcester.
Friday, 27 February 2009
Twins are born
Thursday, 26 February 2009
Sauce not good enough for Methodist gander
Frit notes that, in Britain this week, a navy man has been jailed for three years for killing a grandmother whilst “driving like a prat”. He has also been disqualified from driving for five years. He will probably also loose his job in the navy. A Portuguese lorry driver was also sent to jail for three years, recently, for a similar offence. On the other hand, Methodist peer Lord Fatmed, who texted whilst driving like a prat from Swat and killed a man has been jailed for 12 weeks and disqualified from driving for one year. Bet he’s glad there’s no Shari’a law in Britain, yet.
Wednesday, 25 February 2009
Ova Office
Is it true that, because he identifies with the colonized in history and not with the colonizers, the Multimillionaire White African King has removed a bust of Winston Churchill from the Oval Office? And is it true that he has brought into the office a mighty magic Egg of Power, a carving made by African artisans that he obtained whist in Kenya helping his cousin who wants to overthrow the US-backed secular Kenyan government and install Shari’a law there? And is it true that the mighty magic Egg of Power in question is made from the wood of the Monkey Pod tree? Lord help us . . .
Tuesday, 24 February 2009
Shameful choice of words
The BBC now describes people who throw bombs at schoolchildren sightseers in the street in Cairo, killing and maiming willy-nilly, as “Islamist militants angry at Egypt's stance over the recent Gaza conflict”. Disgusting is too fine a word to put on this statement. Killing and maiming innocent children obviously means nothing to those who scribble for the BBC. They sadly lack the imagination to feel for others despite the fact that they believe feeling for others is their paramount motivation. Being sublimely aloof and impartial is really all that counts. In all their truly sickening addled piousness they will never know that impartiality in reporting is never to be confused with affording wrong the same rights as right.
Monday, 23 February 2009
Judge gives wrong answer to question
Frit learns that Lord Fatmed, Labour's first Methodist peer, texting killer who ought to be in prison and the man at the heart of the opposition to Dutch politician Geert Wilders visiting Britain, once invited an Al Qaeda terror suspect to visit Parliament. The Palestinian in question was detained in Britain in December 2001 on suspicion of fundraising for groups linked to Al Qaeda. He is said to have admitted travelling in Afghastlystan with large sums of money hidden in a plaster cast on his leg. He has since been subjected to a control order which places restrictions on his freedom. Recently, at a court hearing, he asked the judge “Do you want me to kill myself? I have a razor”. The judge, of course, neglected to say an emphatic “YES”. Instead, “his psychiatrist” and his solicitor led him from court. The hearing was adjourned, whilst the judge, the psychiatrist and the solicitor all take a bit more money from the public purse.
Friday, 20 February 2009
Nasty parasite given cash
Radical Methodist "preacher" Abu Bonanza has been awarded 2,500 pounds in compensation by the European Court of Human Rights. Judges ruled that his detention without trial in the UK under anti-terrorism powers breached his human rights. Of course, although it is an awful affront to common sense, this sum is paltry in comparison to the sums the British taxpayers have shelled out for the upkeep of this nasty parasite over the past few years and in comparison to what these judges and other judges have been earning from him all this time (see earlier post). And as he is appealing to the European Court of Human Rights to quash the recent British decision to expel him from the UK, the same judges are set to keep on earning from him for some time to come.
Thursday, 19 February 2009
“Elected” dictator Chavez must be wondering just what he has to do to attract condemnation from those who rule us. Just imagine the fuss if George Bush had attempted to change the constitution so he could run for another term. But, for Chavez, it’s quite acceptable. The BBC even describes it as “Venezuelan leader wins key reform”.
Wednesday, 18 February 2009
Gabbering bore lies about identity
Frit sees that former British cabinet minister and member of parliament Anthony Neil Wedgwood Benn, 2nd Viscount Stansgate, is in the news for yet more everlasting self-sacrificial holier-than-thou escapades aimed at doing right by the downtrodden in return for money, power and prestige. There is no need for Frit to give this smug egotist and self-publicist the benefit of setting out actual details. Born with a very silver spoon in his mouth, Anthony Neil Wedgwood Benn, 2nd Viscount Stansgate, is a long-serving and archetypal enslaver of the minds of the gullible and the young. His efforts in this regard down the years have been genuinely worthy. They include serial abuse of freedom of speech on just about every platform possible, scribbling untold numbers of pious lies and deceptions across all print media, attempting to remove public references to his private education and privileged background from Who's Who, and changing his name from Anthony Neil Wedgwood Benn, 2nd Viscount Stansgate, to “Tony Benn”, a pally working class fellow who lives down the road.
Of course, Anthony Neil Wedgwood Benn, 2nd Viscount Stansgate, who has probably said and scribbled more about rights than anyone else in history, has every right to change his name to a false name if he so wishes, just as we all have every right to insist on calling him by his real name if we so wish. Rights are rights, after all.
The picture shows Emily, the fraudster granddaughter of the fraudster in question, the fifth generation of the socialist Wedgwood Benn dynasty to enter politics. Not one of them used their money, power and prestige to give another a hand up!
Tuesday, 17 February 2009
Jazis and Kitlers
Monday, 16 February 2009
Blatant trickery
Folks in America ordered Multimillionaire White African King coins. When they arrived they turned out to be just ordinary coins with a picture of the Multimillionaire White African King glued on. So these folks were “tricked” into buying fake coins in pretty much the same way that, according to the Multimillionaire White African King, all those mortgage defaulters were “tricked” into buying homes they couldn’t afford.
Friday, 13 February 2009
Burning Australia
Thursday, 12 February 2009
Horrifying stupidity
We live in a world where, 200 years after the birth of Darwin, horrifying numbers of people in the western world (almost half) still believe that the universe and everything it contains was created by some sort of grand magician, and some think as little as six thousand years ago. Yet more horrifying numbers believe that there is indeed such a thing as a process of evolution but this is a process controlled by some sort of grand magician in any case, so that’s alright then. Some believe that they did indeed evolve from a monkey and the monkey is now talking to them inside their heads. And then there are those who are marking the 200 year anniversary with a "survival of the fittest" cake-eating contest. Mankind is an idiot. Further evolutionary progress is sadly unlikely with such poor quality stock.
Wednesday, 11 February 2009
“If it were up to me I would notify the Palestinian Authority that tomorrow at 10 we would bomb all their places of business in Ramallah.”
It seems that, rocket by rocket, Hamas and Iran etc. have at last succeeded in provoking the election of a hard-line government in Israel. It is probable that they are now about to reap everything they have unwisely sown. Perhaps they should all quickly take refuge in Britain, a safe haven for Methodists, which, today, has incredibly banned anti-Methodist supremacy Dutch politician and member of parliament Wilders from entering the country, in fear of what the Methodist terrorists already at home there might do.
Tuesday, 10 February 2009
Eluana Englaro, the 38-year-old Italian woman who spent 17 years in a permanent vegetative state, being fed through tubes, has been allowed to die. Or has been “murdered”, depending on your point of view. In Frit’s view, permitting a person in this miserable state to die is a sensible and reasonable thing. So Frit very much disagrees with Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi who involved himself at the last minute, saying:
But, however much one might disagree with this sentiment, as Frit does, he wonders at just how warped and partisan and consumed with hatred Britain’s “Independent” newspaper reveals itself to be when it comments that:
“The latter remark provoked astonishment and disgust; Mr Berlusconi seemed to be reducing womanhood to the status of a reproductive machine.”
Dread to think what would have been said had he called for her “murder”!
Monday, 9 February 2009
Survival of the fittest politically correct nonsense
Those who educate us are now attempting to make the Theory of Evolution more palatable (to themselves) by saying that Darwin only came up with it because he so hated slavery and merely wanted to prove that all men are of common descent and thus equal. So it was done for a good cause. Something like buying Christmas cards from your favourite charity. Pathetic or what?
Thursday, 5 February 2009
Just for oil
Frit and Mrs Frit were unable to avoid providing dinner to two members of the teaching profession last night. They spent the first half of the meal lamenting the price of fuel and the current cost of driving the two hundred miles from their home to their holiday home in their two litre car at weekends. The second half of the meal they spent berating George Bush for invading Iraq “just for the oil”. Even worse, one of them appeared to imply that the fine port they were served had been adulterated with “cherry juice”!
Wednesday, 4 February 2009
Tuesday, 3 February 2009
Ragnar Hairybreeks turns in his grave
Those who educate and inform us are gleeful that Iceland has now appointed the world’s first lesbian prime minister, Ms Sigurdardottir. Apparently, this is a “milestone” in social development and a very important breakthrough for mankind in some way or another. Beats Frit and Mrs Frit, who always thought Boredom Brown was the world’s first lesbian prime minister in any case.
Monday, 2 February 2009
More new Methodists
Frit learns that the aged unemployed and mentally deranged Methodist who gave birth to eight babies in America last week already has six at home, all of them born through in vitro fertilisation with “a neighbour’s” sperm. Frit finds it somewhat gratifying that there is at least some condemnation of the whole revolting thing, though former president of the Methodist Society of North America, Dr. Muzammil Siddiqi has given the thumbs up to in vitro fertilization for Methodist couples to the great relief of all who worried such a procedure could run foul of Sharia law.
Meanwhile, the Methodist population of Britain has grown by more than 500,000 to 2.4 million in just four years, according to official research collated for The Times. The population multiplied 10 times faster than the rest of society, the research by the Office for National Statistics reveals. In the same period the number of Christians in the country fell by more than 2 million. And, according to the Brookings Institute, the Methodist birth-rate in Europe as a whole is three times higher than the non Methodist birth-rate. If the trend continues the Methodist population in Europe will double in 2015 as the non Methodist population shrinks by 3.5 percent.