Frit sees that former British cabinet minister and member of parliament Anthony Neil Wedgwood Benn, 2nd Viscount Stansgate, is in the news for yet more everlasting self-sacrificial holier-than-thou escapades aimed at doing right by the downtrodden in return for money, power and prestige. There is no need for Frit to give this smug egotist and self-publicist the benefit of setting out actual details. Born with a very silver spoon in his mouth, Anthony Neil Wedgwood Benn, 2nd Viscount Stansgate, is a long-serving and archetypal enslaver of the minds of the gullible and the young. His efforts in this regard down the years have been genuinely worthy. They include serial abuse of freedom of speech on just about every platform possible, scribbling untold numbers of pious lies and deceptions across all print media, attempting to remove public references to his private education and privileged background from Who's Who, and changing his name from Anthony Neil Wedgwood Benn, 2nd Viscount Stansgate, to “Tony Benn”, a pally working class fellow who lives down the road.
Of course, Anthony Neil Wedgwood Benn, 2nd Viscount Stansgate, who has probably said and scribbled more about rights than anyone else in history, has every right to change his name to a false name if he so wishes, just as we all have every right to insist on calling him by his real name if we so wish. Rights are rights, after all.
The picture shows Emily, the fraudster granddaughter of the fraudster in question, the fifth generation of the socialist Wedgwood Benn dynasty to enter politics. Not one of them used their money, power and prestige to give another a hand up!