Tuesday, 31 August 2010

Olympics 2012

How amusing, gratifying and satisfying that the Mussulmanics are “angry” and “insulted” because the 2012 London Olympic Games have been scheduled during the holy season of Ramadan! Doubly amusing when one considers how low Britain is prepared to stoop to ingratiate itself with the Religion of Peace. What a faux pas! The nation is now in a panic and is “working with the Muslim Council of Great Britain to find ways to accommodate Ramadan during the London Games”.
Frit’s suggestion is that the Mussulmanics should hold their own all-Mussulmanic Olympics in the Mussulmanic country of their choice at any time of year they bloody well want. They can call it the Muslimpics. They can exclude women from all events. They can even include novel games like distance shoe throwing, competitive beheading and dismembering, honor killing hurdles, Jew jumping and the ever popular race to be first to breed with your closest relative.

The picture shows two members of the hopeful Moroccan all-girls ostrich chasing team whose shorts show a little too much ankle for Frit’s taste.

Monday, 30 August 2010

Dress code

Heard the one about the Mussulmanic stripper who's suing the nightclub owner for not allowing her to wear a full burka during performances? It will happen. It will happen.

Thursday, 26 August 2010

Dishonorable talking cadaver for hire

Nice to know that, true to untruthful form, ex-unelected Prime Minster of the UK Boredom Brown, who, in April of this year told the gullible and the young that “Sarah and I might do charity or voluntary work, I don't want to do business or anything else. I just want to do something good“, has just signed up to the “speaking engagements” scam from which his predecessor, Blair, has made so many millions since leaving office. Frit supposes his new career will go well as he’s such a fascinating, charismatic, spontaneous and humorous man.
Another of his truth-challenged pronouncements earlier in the year was "I think you learn lessons all the time, and I'm always prepared to learn lessons, and always prepared to admit that if you made a mistake you've got to say that things can be done better." Notice the way the sentence begins with “I” in the smarmy philosophical part but quickly changes to “you” in the need for action part. How Brownlike.

Meanwhile, Frit learns that the two women who recently attempted to board a flight out of Britain with a deceased relative in a wheelchair wearing sunglasses, claiming he was asleep, thought they could get away with it because nobody stopped them back when they brought Brown into the country by the same method years ago.
The members of the audience at the first of Brown's speaking engagements, pictured, look as if they went to sleep when in actual fact they all died.

Wednesday, 25 August 2010

More cycling offences

Frit learns that two members of the Iranian cycling team are in all sorts of trouble for having celebrated something by publicly opening a bottle of champagne and spraying it around, just like the decadent sports kuffar does. Frit, whose gorge rises every time he witnesses a decadent sports kuffar performing this idiotic act nonetheless defends that moronic individual’s absurd right so to do. Frit also notes that Seyyed Ahmad ‘Alam al-Hoda, conservative cleric and Friday prayer leader in the city of Mashhad, Iran, voiced strong criticism over the participation of women in cycling competitions. He stressed that Islamic religious law categorically prohibits women from taking part in that kind of sport, and that broadcasting women’s cycling competitions on television offends the values of Iranian society, which, as he put it, must serve as a shining example of Islamic society. Maybe, once they’ve succeeded in inventing that long hoped for modest burka-bike for girls, things will change.

Tuesday, 24 August 2010


Frit is pleased to see that the Pakistani press is looking into the state of Mussulmanic education. They are finding things like “In 57 Muslim countries there are only 500 universities currently, while, in the U.S. alone, there are 5,758 universities”. And things like “There is not a single Muslim educational institute which could be compared with Harvard, Cambridge, or Oxford” and “Arab countries spend billions of dollars on their defense but their expenditure on education is relatively very low”.

Encouraging! Trouble is, the apparent reason for all this is diagnosed with things like “Colonization and the subsequent implantation of the eastern educational system further uprooted the Muslim mind from its spiritual, intellectual, and historical ground”. And the remedy for it all is, of course: “The entire system of education has to be redesigned on the basis of the Koran and the Sunnah”! In other words on the same old basis of banging your head on a book 'till it bleeds.

Monday, 23 August 2010

Pale medicine

Frit is interested to learn that witchdoctors in Tanzania are willing to pay around 400 million Tanzanian shillings (around 250,000 dollars) for a Kenyan albino, who they will then butcher so they can boil up the body parts to make lucrative potions they can sell to the stupid. A Kenyan man has just been imprisoned for having abducted a Kenyan albino and having tried to sell him across the border. In the belief that this might be a good chance to rid the White House of its present incumbent, Frit has written to a couple of Tanzanian witchdoctors informing them that that individual is almost certainly Kenyan and certainly a lot less than black. At least we’d get some money for his otherwise worthless ass.

Friday, 20 August 2010

A perfect match

Frit notes that Google is advertising “1 million + muslims” for marriage on this very site and inviting people to find their “perfect match”. Presumably this means the one you are most closely related to.

Thursday, 19 August 2010

Victims of warming

Having learned that a heat wave in Gaza has already resulted in several explosions and deaths due to improperly stored explosives becoming too volatile, Frit has written to the governments of the USA and all the EU countries to urge them to cut their emissions further and to cough up sums of money huge enough to provide the Gazans with some proper suitable explosives storage facilities. We simply can’t have them blowing themselves to pieces before they have time to make a home movie and shout Allahu Akbar.

Tuesday, 17 August 2010

Swimming in publicity

The Multimillionaire White Mohammedan Nobel Laureate Joker President, the biggest recipient of donations from despicable and demonized BP (though nobody seems eager to report this fact) and a man who would never, never use his family for publicity purposes under any circumstances, used his youngest daughter, Sasha, 9, in a staged publicity stunt but a couple of days ago. The apparent aim was to promote tourism in the oil stricken gulf area by taking her into the water and drowning her then bringing her ashore to prove there was no oil in her lungs. The plan only went awry when the ocean quickly washed the two of them ashore having had enough of slick in recent times. It also thought the two of them might start building a mosque in its depths. As can be seen from this photograph of the event, although only nine years old, Sasha’s appearance is already giving rise to rumors about her true parentage.

Monday, 16 August 2010

Thick people

Iranian government minister Rahimi has railed against various countries supporting UN sanctions against Tehran, calling Australians “a bunch of cow herders” and saying South Koreans should be “smacked in the face until they become human”. He said: “England has nothing. Its inhabitants are not human, its officials are not responsible, and it doesn’t even have any natural resources. They are a bunch of thick people ruled by a mafia. They have plundered the world in the last 500 years and the young lad in charge now is even more stupid than his predecessor”. Frit takes issue with this because, although Camaroon might be stupid, nobody, nobody, could be more stupid than his predecessor.

Apart from this, the stupidity statistics concerning the population of Britain or any other western country are of course being greatly bumped up by the inbreeding-related stupidity quotient of Mussulmanic immigrants. In Pakistan, 70 percent of all marriages are between first cousins (so-called “consanguinity”) and in Turkey the figure is between 25-30 percent. Statistical research on Arabic countries shows that up to 34 percent of all marriages in Algiers are consanguine (blood related), 46 percent in Bahrain, 33 percent in Egypt, 80 percent in Nubia (southern area in Egypt), 60 percent in Iraq, 64 percent in Jordan, 64 percent in Kuwait, 42 percent in Lebanon, 48 percent in Libya, 47 percent in Mauritania, 54 percent in Qatar, 67 percent in Saudi Arabia, 63 percent in Sudan, 40 percent in Syria, 39 percent in Tunisia, 54 percent in the United Arabic Emirates and 45 percent in Yemen (Reproductive Health Journal, 2009 (Consanguinity and reproductive health among Arabs.).

This increasing stupidity of the populations in Mussulmanic countries is, of course, not helped by their stubborn refusal to add to their gene pool by breeding with non-Mussulmanics, and is evident from: “The lack of interest in science and human development in the Muslim World is also clear in the UN Arab Human Development Reports (AHDR). AHDR concludes that there have been fewer books translated into Arabic in the last thousand years than the amount of books translated in Spain, for instance, every year”.

Experts like Frit predict that, if the Mussulmanics continue to insist on keeping their blood pure in this way they will posses but one single gene between them in 100 years. The Pakistani soldiers pictured, for instance, all look so alike because they are virtually already all the same person.

Friday, 13 August 2010

Ramadan comes round again

Ramadan is here again and being conscientiously shoved down our throats by the manipulative multiculti media and, as the picture shows, by big business, because, like any other mass event, Ramadan is a commercial event. But Frit is having trouble understanding quite why taxpayers in western countries should be asked to fork out large sums of money to provide Pakistani flood victims with food in the month of Ramadan when they are not supposed to eat any anyway. Ah, but, of course, they are only obliged to fast in the day and are allowed to pig out at night all they want. Not a lot different to the normal human pattern of fasting at night and eating in the day then, really. Why bother, Mahmood, why bother?

Thursday, 12 August 2010

Behind the times no more

Frit notes that the Mussulmanics are dissatisfied with the concept of the Greenwich Meridian because it is a loathsome creation of the kuffar, and, as everybody knows, Mussulmanics invented time long before anybody else. Thus they have built themselves a huge clock in Mecca to set their own watches by from now on. Quite why it has to look like both Big Ben and the Empire State Building combined nobody is saying. Frit believes the workings inside it are based on the workings of a cuckoo clock, not because a bird pops out of it but because you have to be cuckoo to swallow the bizarre rationale of the wonderful Mussulmanic science behind it, which states that Mecca has a greater claim to being the prime meridian because it is "in perfect alignment with magnetic north”! The claim that the holy city is a "zero magnetism zone" is supported by Mussulmanic ‘scientists’ like Abdel-Baset al-Sayyed, of the Egyptian National Research Centre, who says that there is no magnetic force in Mecca! "That's why if someone travels to Mecca or lives there, he lives longer, is healthier and is less affected by the earth's gravity," says he.

Wednesday, 11 August 2010


Frit reads that a groom accidentally killed three relatives, i.e. his father and two aunts, and injured a further eight, at his wedding in Turkey recently when he fired an assault rifle in celebration not quite into the air, unintentionally raking the guests with bullets. Just think what he could have achieved had he been permitted, by Allah, to have a couple of beers first! Frit is devastated to learn that the Islamic supremacist who now rules that country, determined to drag it back into the 6th century, was not invited to the event.

Tuesday, 10 August 2010

Beware of all who would believe a thing rather than know a thing

Fit notes that, after having been encouraged by those who currently rule the USA to “feel good about their historic contribution to science”, the Mussulmanics have decided to make yet another important research contribution by developing the world’s first modest cycle for women! However did we get along without it? Also, the Iranians have just announced that they intend building the world’s first nuclear fusion reactor, a feat that has eluded the stupid kuffar for many a year. This must be because the backward approach of the stupid kuffar is to base his science on knowledge; whereas the superior Mussulmanic’s approach is to base his science on belief. Inch’Allah.

Monday, 9 August 2010

Closely related meat pies

The British are horrified to learn that they’ve all been troughing milk and meat products derived from ABOMINABLE CLONED ANIMALS unawares! Yuk! Curiously, you can stuff your gullet with chips made of cloned potatoes and wash them down with wine made from grapes cloned for more than 2 millennia etc., but the cheap meat pie is the only item on the plate requiring appropriate ethical scrutiny and hysteria. The clamor over the issue is so universal that one could think them all clones.

Thursday, 5 August 2010

Chalk wharf

Frit notes that hectomillionairess Chelsea Clinton just got married. Apparently, the name “Chelsea”, meaning “chalk wharf”, was decided upon by the parents in preference to “Tower Hamlets”, another London borough. The groom, thank goodness, is not the Kenyan farmer who offered Hillary 40 goats and 20 cows for the hand of her daughter some time ago because the Clintons rarely deal in figures followed by fewer than six noughts in connection with livestock or anything else. Instead, she wisely wed a wealthy banking Jew with big Democratic Party ties. The wedding was kept strictly private, perhaps in an attempt to conceal the fact of the groom’s religion (not his family politics) from the wonderful Arab world. Thus not a single one of the trash on the backs of whom the Clintons have achieved such fabulous wealth and prestige was invited, and rightly so. Nor was the press there, the tool through which that trash has been so well milked on the Clinton’s behalf for so long. All we know about the affair is that the wedding cake was gluten-free! Frit, who, despite all the security, managed to slip in through the catflap, took this photograph of the bride proudly showing off her wedding gown.

Tuesday, 3 August 2010


Frit notes that the Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs said recently that, in its considered opinion, the latest decision of the International Court of Justice concerning the wonderful legality of Kosovo's independence should be considered as “a new window of opportunity for establishing peace, stability and cooperation in the Balkans”. Frit also notes that the Prime Minister of Turkey recently said that Kurdish rebels who seek autonomy from Turkey will “drown in their own blood”.

Monday, 2 August 2010

Temporary marriage

Frits notes that, in Persia, a country so protective of the virtue of its women that it cuts off the breasts of mannequins in shop windows, the authorities in the Province of the Quds’eh-Razavi of Khorassan have thoughtfully “created centers for temporary marriage” just next door to the shrine of the eighth Imam, Imam Reza, in order to “elevate the spiritual atmosphere, create proper psychological conditions and tranquility of mind” for “brothers” on pilgrimage who are “far away from their spouses”. Thus they are advertising for “sisters” between the ages of 12 and 35. The wages are:

5 hour temporary marriage – 50,000 Tomans ($50 US)
One day temporary marriage – 75,000 Tomans ($75 US)
Two day temporary marriage – 100,000 Tomans ($100 US)
Three day temporary marriage – 150,000 Tomans ($150 US)
Between 4 and 10 day temporary marriage – 300,000 Tomans ($300 US)
Sisters who are virgins receive a bonus of 100,000 Tomans ($100 US)

Strange how they convert all the figures given in their own idiotic currency into the currency of the evil empire. Frit is unable to work out why interested sisters should need to accompany their applications with “two full-length photographs” of themselves “fully hijabed and properly veiled”! The reason they are “obligated to donate 5% of their earnings to the Shrine of Imam Reza”, on the other hand, is easier to grasp. That’s what pimps do.
Frit feels sure that anyone reading the advertisement who might be shocked that, in this day and age, public authorities in a country about to obtain nuclear weapons should be offering 12 year old “sisters” jobs in the temporary marriages sector will be suitably reassured by the advertisement’s footnote – “Attention: sisters below 14 years of age require the written consent of their father or male guardian.”

Imam Reza, pictured suspiciously close to some animals, apparently based his claim to being Mohammed’s successor on the “Hadith of the pond of Khumm” as well as on the “Hadith of the two weighty things”!