Tuesday, 24 August 2010


Frit is pleased to see that the Pakistani press is looking into the state of Mussulmanic education. They are finding things like “In 57 Muslim countries there are only 500 universities currently, while, in the U.S. alone, there are 5,758 universities”. And things like “There is not a single Muslim educational institute which could be compared with Harvard, Cambridge, or Oxford” and “Arab countries spend billions of dollars on their defense but their expenditure on education is relatively very low”.

Encouraging! Trouble is, the apparent reason for all this is diagnosed with things like “Colonization and the subsequent implantation of the eastern educational system further uprooted the Muslim mind from its spiritual, intellectual, and historical ground”. And the remedy for it all is, of course: “The entire system of education has to be redesigned on the basis of the Koran and the Sunnah”! In other words on the same old basis of banging your head on a book 'till it bleeds.