Heard the one about the Mussulmanic stripper who's suing the nightclub owner for not allowing her to wear a full burka during performances? It will happen. It will happen.
The modern-day ruling class is a body that, over the past 30 years, has crept into power by stealth, to rule over us by stealth. It is made up of:
- left-leaning politicians - global warmers
- mainstream media people - members of the legal profession - top policemen - university lecturers and teachers - animal lovers - the Obamas
- men with white beards - men with big white hair - men with both
These are not several groups, but one group with one mindset, one collective brain. This group controls all aspects of information and society, lining its pockets as it does so, by seducing the gullible and the young with fine-sounding emotional notions. It is the Modern-day International Ruling Class.
Who are the unruly?
The Unruly are those who oppose the ruling class in any way. One of the key fine-sounding emotional notions the ruling class preaches to the gullible and the young is freedom of expression, but this relates only to the expression of differing versions of its own views. Anyone who expresses what the ruling class(really) disagrees with is deemed dangerous, extreme, "old-fashioned", uncouth, unruly and in need of more education.
What are money, power and prestige?
Money, power and prestige are the things the members of the ruling class disparage and pronounce unimportant and secondary in all their works. This is their amazingly effective strategy for obtaining maximum money, power and prestige.
What is the terrible fact?
The terrible fact is that, soon, the modern international ruling class will have turned western civilisation entirely pear shaped and unable to defend itself. We will all be thrown back into the dark ages. When that happens, the members of the international ruling class will have no difficulty at all in turning nasty to save their necks. Their fine sounding notions will very quickly give way to a “pragmatic” mindset, their next strategy for staying on top. Woe betide the gullible and the young on that day, on the day the butchery begins, on the day they find out that every one of their selfless socialist politicians, liberal professors, environmental gurus and rock star activist redeemers is really just another savage totalitarian demon in sheep’s clothing.