Thursday, 10 December 2009


Frit is currently in Copenhagen. He came here by mistake. Being shortsighted, he misread “climate change conference” as “deranged primate conference” and thought it worth a look. No matter, on arrival he found he read it correctly anyway. The entire city of Copenhagen has been turned into a political correctness hootenanny. Huge banners, signs and displays all over the place telling people what those who rule us consider the right messages, just like in North Korea. Every leftist political cause is represented on every street by every pathetic jerk in Christendom ready to wreck the planet and fly in from anywhere to enjoy a self-righteous zealous kneesup.

The whole picture is then to be completed soon when the Multimillionaire White Mohammedan Nobel Laureate Joker President turns up to dazzle every deranged primate in town. On the way he is stopping off in Oslo to pick up his peace prize. The Norwegians are unhappy because he cancelled dinner with the Norwegian Nobel committee, a press conference, a television interview, appearances at a children's event promoting peace and a music concert, as well as a visit to an exhibition in his honor at the Nobel peace centre. He also turned down a lunch invitation from the King of Norway. Rumor is he cancelled because Michelle only travels in Cadillacs these days and somehow got the idea they would be driven between venues in an old Fiord.