Thursday 24 July 2008

Multimillionaire messiah cometh

The cult of B.A Barackabamism is fast spiralling into the realms of the absurd. Multimillionaire Barackabama is already a hundred times more wonderful than multimillionaire Jack Kennedy, multimillionaire Carter and hectomillionaires B and H Clinton all put together (but somehow without detracting from any of them).
On his current Great Tour of All Ye World The Saviour Cometh he is greeted everywhere with frenzy. His shining presence is currently gracing Germany where people of all colours, creeds and sexes, whipped into a froth by the media, appear to be experiencing spontaneous multiple orgasm in public. By the time the election arrives the heights of wonderfulness Barackabama achieves will be beyond comprehension. He is the knight in shining armour. He is the redeemer. He is the alpha apex of human prospects and possibility, and not just the next in the never ending stream of smooth, stage-managed, spin-wise charlatans and manipulators of the gullible and the young that Frit first thought him. Not at all! Oh Saviour of the World Multimillionaire B.A. Barackabama, oh Great Idol and Divinity, Frit begs forgiveness and seeks humble permission now to vote for and worship Great Thee!