Friday 24 July 2009

Confusing messages

Aging hectomillionairess Hillary Rod’em Clinton has been talking tough to the enemies of the free world on the subject of nuclear weapons. On the other hand, in his own never ending quest to get his hands ever deeper into the pockets and the pants of the gullible and the young, unelected British Prime Minister Boredom Brown is now telling the enemies of the free world that there is no need for them to try to obtain nuclear weapons because the free world intends kindly giving up its own!

In response, representatives of nuclear North Korea appear to have called Hectomillionairess Hillary Rod’em Clinton an “old biddy” in public. They stopped mercifully short of the full monty, i.e. “megalomaniacal man-hating sour faced power-crazed envy-ridden uppity old biddy bitch cow tart slut hag”.