Monday 6 July 2009

What century did we say we are in right now?

The Pope has placed Cardinal John Henry Newman on the path to possible sainthood by approving a miracle attributed to his intercession. Newman, an influential 19th-century Anglican convert, can now be beatified. A second miracle is necessary for him to be declared a saint – making him the first English-born saint since the Reformation. The miracle approved yesterday by Pope Benedict XVI concerns the medically inexplicable cure of an American, John Sullivan, who suffered from debilitating back pain for years, but was cured after praying to Cardinal Newman.”

Meanwhile, the team of doctors who recently restored a man’s sight by inserting a lens into one of his front teeth, growing the tooth on for a while in one of his cheeks and then transplanting it into his eyeball are not being considered for sainthood. This is because they achieved it all by resorting to verifiable and reproducible scientific method instead of “medically inexplicable” method.