Monday 8 December 2008

Unsung heroine

Frit thanks NewsBusters for noting that the name of Vanessa Niekamp, an administrator for the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services' Office of Child Support and a 15-year state employee, who blew the lid off the underhanded computer snooping into the private life of Joe the Plummer, is virtually unknown, while many other past government whistleblowers have been treated as media heroes and elevated into very righteous realms. Ms Niekamp was threatened with dismissal if she failed to comply with “instructions” etc..

In fact, googling google news for “Vanessa Niekamp” today yields a mere 18 hits, none of them relating to mainstream media sites. This has to be regarded as simply astonishing. A virtual conspiracy. The name of the great multimillionaire white African King must be kept pure and free from any association with anything not of the new and pristine airy dimension that mankind has now at last attained. Frit would have liked to include a photograph of Ms Niekamp, but, of course, there are none around.