Monday 14 April 2008

Having their cake and burning it

Today is a very black day for those who rule over us. For some time now they have had their hands very deep inside the pockets and the pants of the gullible and the young on the back of the strange, furry notion that fuel can sensibly be made by burning food!
The bizarre logic of this runs as follows:

a) obtain some petrol from the ground
b) burn this petrol to produce a plate of egg and chips
c) obtain some more petrol from the ground
d) burn this petrol to burn the plate of egg and chips and thereby obtain an amazing bonanza of FREE PETROL

What could be more convincing in all its furriness than this? Trouble is, today, the practice of burning food to make fuel has been pronounced “a crime against humanity”. It is blamed for the alarming increase in the cost of food all over the world.
Those who rule over us and rob us every day would normally have no problem in digesting such an accusation and verbally regurgitating it in the form of some sort of really quite positive thing. But, sadly, the accusation comes from none other than the United Nations, an institution they have made their very own.

Over the years the ruling class has turned the United Nations into the Ultimate Temple of Holiness. Its previous Secretary General, Holy Kofi, was elevated to the level of devine being, and then some. The Ultimate Temple of Holines is the place in the direction of which ruling class members turn themselves ten times a day, praying for material benefits, and countless thousands of them directly make countless millions of dollars from direct association with it. So when the Ultimate Temple of Holiness says a thing, they have to listen. This is why they are in such a critical dither today. They have been caught trying to have their cake as well as burn it, and caught by their own ultimate authority to boot. Frit is concerned they may sink into depression.

But no, they’re sure to have the usual “intensive debate”, i.e. millions of words spoken and sold, millions of words broadcast and sold, millions of words printed and sold, millions more dollars in the bank. A process at the end of which they’re sure to conclude no blame attaches and you can indeed have your cake and burn it, as long as the careers and money keep coming.

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