Friday 27 November 2009


The Mussulmanics are presently in Mecca performing the important ceremony of plodding in circles round the big stone box draped in black silk, stoning the Devil etc.. Saudi newspapers are reporting that the grandmother of the Multimillionaire White Mohammedan Nobel Laureate Joker President is prominent amongst them. In his message to his grandmother and all other fellow Mussulmanics at this important time in their calendar, the Multimillionaire White Mohammedan Nobel Laureate Joker President says “The rituals of Hajj and Eid-ul-Adha both serve as reminders of the shared Abrahamic roots of three of the world’s major religions”. Sounds very nice until you remember that people from the other two of those major religions with Abrahamic roots are likely to encounter visa application problems if they wish to attend. They are unclean and not allowed to enter Mecca and they might well have their heads as well as their roots chopped off if they try to.

Every true Mussulmanic has to participate in the Hajj at least once in their lifetime, if they have the wherewithal, we are told. Doing the math on this, i.e. subtracting the 2 million Mussulmanics performing Hajj from the 1.5 billion the world is blessed with, rather implies that some are slacking. Thus, Frit urges all who have a Mussulmanic for a neighbor to knock on his door and ask him if he intends honoring his commitment. No excuses. If he could afford to fly to Pakistan for an arranged marriage last month he can afford Mecca this month. Off you go! Off you go!

The picture shows the big stone box draped in black silk and the hordes of pilgrims with the three Giant Jellyfish of Allah floating prominently in the foreground on the lookout for any encroaching Jews.